Founder's Letter
As we launch the 16th edition of Beirut Chants, our hearts are filled with sorrow, fear, and apprehension. The endeavor to organize this edition was no easy feat amidst the relentless brutality, devastation, and violence that pierce the souls of humanity.
What if Beirut withheld its chants in homage to our beloved South? What if the universal language of music fell silent? How could we celebrate the birth of Jesus without sharing love and hope?
Our belief that Christmas embodies the essence of Resurrection stood as our guiding light in facing the challenge of bringing forth the 2023 edition of Beirut Chants. But beyond that beacon, it was the overwhelming love and genuine emotional bond with the community and the festival’s friends and supporters.
Today, more than ever, music stands as our refuge, while prayer serves as a poignant reminder of our humanity, our values, our empathy towards others, our acknowledgment of their vulnerabilities, and our commitment to healing their wounds.
Let us pray together as our ancestors did:
Wars fill the earth and we shall not accept the suffering
We have all become sick and there is no one amidst us but you to heal
To You, Mary, the Roses
To You, Gaza, the Roses
To You, Beirut, the Roses
حروبٌ تملأ الأرض وضيق فيه لن نرضى غدونا كلنا مرضى وليس فينا سواك من يداوينا
..اليك الورد يا مريم
..اليك الورد يا غزّة
..اليك الورد يا بيروت
Micheline Abou Samra